Dot Zero Branding

Dot Zero is a project completed while in my first year of University, the company is a Manchester based EV company with ride booking, liveried fleet and an empahsis on their renewable energy ethos.


Completed May 2022 


This project is a combination of two briefs, to produce a brand based on a brief and to apply the brand to a website. 

Outline Brief: Dot Zero | Sustainability depends on the ethical sourcing of products and services, this Manchester based EV (electric vehicle) taxi company allows you to hail a zero carbon ride…think all electric UBER. The taxis are charged exclsuively using ‘green’ electricity generated by renewable energy sources


In the early stages, I began by stripping down the brand options to just a few options, this was accomplished by breaking down the brief. Therefore allowing me multiple approaches, from these approaches I then start looking into further research which then form the basis of what I can create which fits the brief. 

Dot Zero

Greater Manchester*

Service industry
Taxi service

Renewable energy 
Electric Fleet
Caters to all
Low cost
​Business Type:

Black Cab 
Private Hire
Executive Travel
Utilising areas of this breakdown I can form a coherant basis for researching ideas and exploration. I began by looking at Vehicles, primarily the black cab as I already know of LEVC which is the london Black cab service through prior knowledge and also explored alternatives such as the nissan leaf, and other alternatives which are part of the luxury market such as the Tesla models. 

Once I have collated enough research to gain a knowledge of the aspects of the breakdown I can start extracting from them to find which contain the strongest ideas and represent a valid route to pursue. With the name I did a quick straw poll of peers as well as asking family and friends which led to two explorations of Dot Zero and EV.O as the feedback stated that if the business expanded having the word “cab” in the name would represent a hurdle. from this extraction I moved the focus onto narrowing the location.I eventually settled on central Manchester as it is easier to expand from there outward and treat Manchester as the epicentre.

I went with the Black cab hackney carriage approach similar to Londons impimentation as I felt that this is more of an iconic look for the vehicles, its commonly recognised, it is purpose built for the job it is designed for and is relatively inexpensive compared to a premium electric vehicle such as the Tesla branded vehicles or Jaguar iPace or equivalents.